I'm irked and by golly you are going to hear about it!!



  • I'm irked by Steve Urkel, and by golly you are going to hear about it Mr. Winslow!

  • I'm irked that my thread has been necroed, but by golly I will allow it because you folks are funny

  • @pmvines - A thread about gripes and complaints and never be irrelevant.

  • I’m on the National Do Not Call list and yet every day I get as many as half a dozen phone calls from spammers. I don’t need a Homeowners Warranty, I rent an apartment! I’m sick of these folks.

  • @pmvines YOU CAUGHT ME!!!! 😂😁🤣

    • I am irked by humans in Porsches complaining about a $3 fee in a beautiful State Park.
    • I am irked by customers being mean to people in service jobs and treating them as though they are unworthy of kindness.
    • I AM IRKED that people can't see the beauty that is around them and prefer to only focus on the negatives of life.

    i.e. how can people be grumpy when there is a RAINBOW IN FRONT OF THEM?!?!?!?

    thank you @pmvines for creating this lovely bit-o-venting type thread. I am thankful you are in my universe! Although I don't feel like this is the appropriate thread to discuss loveliness instead of gripes. WAIT>>>>>>>>> I am IRKED that you are a million miles away!!! 😊

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I am irked because I can't figure out which letter in "Scent" is silent. S or C ?

  • I’m irked that one of my cuddle friends is always wanting to hang out with her other friend that also cuddles and post pictures together on Snapchat. I don’t care if y’all are better friends than we are I don’t think about everyday around 1:45pm after lunch time. And now my friend only wants to talk about her love for a YouTube comedian named Theo. So!!! Just because Theo is funnier than me and is more attractive than I am and has a lot more money than I do and has kept his weight under control his entire life and has been on Joe Rogans Podcast a few times…. What was my point again???

  • edited July 2022

    I'm irked by self congratulatory know it alls, and their need to have their egos stroked

  • Someone mentioned a need to have cabinets open. It reminded me of my mom. She loves opening doors and windows whether during the day or night. And she likes colder weather so if I am in the same room as her and don't want cold air I like to tell her to just go sit outside instead if she gets the urge to open things. I end up closing the doors too when it gets too much and then she comes back to open it. Sometimes it is an open and close door tournament. Sometimes my nephews or niece will close them if she's watching them. "That's dangerous grandma. Bad guys outside. Close your door!". Plus she's a gossiper and loves to use outdoor voices. So I can only imagine what neighbors think with the doors wide open and once someone called police worried about a disturbance lol. I've even caught face expressions before from neighbors and I put on my, "I don't know her look." She also loves to keep food out on the table or counters. I get it that she loves food and likes looking at food and eating often but stuff is going bad too. Geez, woman. My brother loves to come over and put the good food away and throw out the rest. She then starts a yelling tantrum and well hopefully the door is closed then.

  • @Amortentia Since my mom's stroke, she needs everything within view...out on the counters. 180 from how she was before, alas.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I just got my Doctors test back and I am very upset. Turns out I am not going to be a Doctor.

  • edited July 2022

    I appreciate this thread and its creator. @pmvines has always been an incredibly fair and level headed active forum member, able to add perspective and thoughtfulness whether he agrees or disagrees. Salute and shout out to PMVines.

  • edited July 2022

    I just got a 7 day ban on Facebook for hate speech because I said, "Because you're crazy. Just kidding."

  • Not feeling very patient with people who speak with authority on every single topic they see even when they are woefully unqualified to do so

  • @pmvines oh my goodness....PREACH!

  • @pmvines - reminds me of a conversation with an old roommate. He came into the apartment one evening and said, “What do you think of the new [some Tesla car]?” I said, “I don’t know anything about it so I have no opinion on it.” He burst out laughing. I asked what was so funny. He said he was so accustomed to listening to people spout off with opinions on matters they obviously knew nothing about, it was really refreshing to hear someone who didn’t.

  • I'm irked. I don't need a reason.

  • The neurodivergent thread closed just as the kerfuffle ended and things were getting back on topic. I was about to post my opinion on the puzzle piece symbol! (Spoiler: just like @simsaddict's "someone," I dislike it.)

  • @DaringSprinter I actually felt that it was a very educational and eye-opening topic. Also, very sensitive and that makes sense. And the diagram was fantastic. I need to digest it.

  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)
    edited August 2022

    I'm annoyed that I'm having very normal emotional responses to things today.

    I'm irked that I feel responsible for someone else's choices.

    I'm irritated by certain people here. I'm more irritated that certain people here are making me feel like I shouldn't be here.

  • Sorry to see you go @DeadGirlWalking. I hope you return and have a better experience some day.



  • I am also irked that my shouty capitals don't feel as though they give off the correct amount of frustration 😁🤣😂

  • @sillysassy ~ Let em rip lady!! We can't have you holding in all your irks or they might start to dull your sparkle!!

  • I'm irked that I want to sleep, yet have errands to do

  • I'm irked by people who drive under the speed limit on a two-lane highway, downhill. 😐

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I’m irked that some of you don’t live closer to me so we could meet and cuddle!!

  • I am IRKED that funny comments happen in threads and I somehow MISS them!!!! 😂😂😂

    I would love if the site would warm up my coffee

    I am also IRKED and agree with @TNNative that peeps are sometimes to far away for comfort. 🤨

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