Frequently Asked Questions



  • edited April 2024

    Sorry of this is a repeat
    When it comes to pro cuddlers:
    What is the difference between a Pause and a Time Out?
    Thank you.

  • @Sooson Found it! 🧐 God, I miss Sideon's presence, here.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • Thank you @SunsetSnuggles I appreciate the response.

  • @Sooson My pleasure, monsieur.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • Hi everyone,

    There was a pro I talked with who charged $150/hour in the profile and $100 under rates. When I asked about the discrepancy, she only said that the website only allows her to charge up to $100. I chose to cancel my session and she has since deleted her account. Is there an actual limit to how much a pro can charge someone? I have met with other pros before who charged more than $100/hour and communicated clearly their pricing.

    Thanks in advance,
    Sonoran Tortoise

  • edited May 2024

    @SonoranTortoise Sounds like a scammer. Pro's are required to give 15% of their bookings to the site, so it seems she was trying to officially book a cheaper session, then upcharge off-record. You did well to cancel.

    As for a limit, I saw what was supposedly a social experiment with over $1,000 as an hourly rate. $150 is certainly not uncommon. The Pro was flat-out lying. I'm sorry you ran into this, but I'm so happy you smelled a rat and backed out!

    Hope you have great cuddles with upstanding people, in the future! 😊

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • @SunsetSnuggles Thanks for your response! This is helpful to know and I appreciate your kindness.


  • If I delete karma that I wrote on someone's profile, will I have the option to write karma again? Or do I have to wait until I've booked another session?

  • @TxTom just click out of their profile and go back in to add new karma.

  • Where can I find definitions for Guest, Public, etc...?

  • Guest, Public, Host

    I don’t know there are definitions on the site, because they are somewhat self explanatory. But the following are what I’ve found them to mean on here.

    Being the Guest, you are the one that goes to the other person.

    Host, you can host in your home, in a hotel, or in a specific cuddle office. You prepare the place, making it clean and inviting for the other. A clean place with a place to snuggle up is the minimum. Some people do a lot more than the minimum.

    Public, both of you meet in a public place. Cuddle in public. Park, restaurant, movie theater, and so on.

    There are threads on here about where to cuddle in public. And, there are also threads that show hosting spots.

  • Hello how do I become an cuddler?

  • on the site there are cuddler location in Toronto , Ontario, Canada. The session rate are Canadian $ ?

  • @Dave04 Are you looking to be a pro cuddler, or just an enthusiast? (Pros get paid to cuddle, enthusiasts do not.)

  • @Sam77 it would be safe to assume, in most places, that the session amount should be in local currency. You can always ask the pro though and make sure as each pro sets their own amounts.

  • @LadyVel Thank you.

  • Been only at only a few months, and I have tried to reach out to local cuddlers around me, but only one or two people have responded out of the half dozen or dozen people that I have tried to strike up a conversation with. And I am wondering, what am I doing wrong?

  • So, as this is to be platonic only, what are your thoughts on if I bring flowers or chocolate to my cuddle buddy? make any difference if they are pro and I am not? Make any difference if I am married (to someone who does NOT want to snuggle)?

  • @Steve9735

    I wouldn't bring anything, it smaks of dating or even a clingy person. Cash tips are always a good idea. Repeat bookings already say "thanks".

  • @cashman21
    You likely aren't doing anything wrong; it takes time and patience to connect with women, here. Many men post on the board about not hearing back on their messages. Just make sure you're contacting active cuddlers (you can see in the Facts section of their profile when they were Last Online). Be polite and platonic, and willing to travel a bit, and hopefully you will connect with someone! 😊

    Flowers and chocolate are about as traditional "dating"/Valentine's as it gets...I would strongly suggest you stay away from both. Especially if you're married. If in doubt...ask your wife. πŸ˜‰ Pro cuddlers are providing a service for payment; they are not your friend, or a substitute girlfriend. They should be treated professionally.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

    Happy summer vibes! 🐬 🎹

  • @LionsFan and @SunsetSnuggles, thanks so much for the advice. I will definitely follow it. Still not sure if I feel right about seeking comfort in the arms of another woman. I want to do the right thing here. I will keep trying to work on my marriage first, but pro snuggler would be a plan B. Who knows what the future holds.

  • @Steve9735
    Thank you for the genuine response! There are definitely a lot of mismatched relationships where one person's top Love Language is Physical Touch, while it is low on the other person's priorities. Perhaps for the other person, the top Love Language is something like Words of Affirmation. This can cause distress in both directions as each seeks something the other may not be used to or interested in giving.

    My hope would be that in a touchless marriage, there would be a base layer of trust and desire for each person to be happy and fulfilled. That if you told your wife you were interested in finding cuddle buddies, she could be supportive. Obviously this is not often a reality. But I always believe honesty in a relationship is paramount. Best of luck to you!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

    Happy summer vibes! 🐬 🎹

  • edited July 2024

    There seems to be an uptick in fake accounts like these

    Removed screenshot containing username. [CharlieBear]

  • @Babylonguy60
    Just a head's up, we aren't allowed to post screenshots with peoples' usernames (even if they were banned, unfortunately).

    But I'm curious what makes you refer to the account as "fake"? I guess fake to me would mean a bot or something, while this is a female with non-platonic intent. Just curious of terminology. Thanks!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

    Happy summer vibes! 🐬 🎹

  • Hey I was curious, are we allowed to ask cuddlers about their experiences with certain pros on here, they didn’t leave a karma review for them? Like i don’t need the details on what went down but their overall general experience

  • @jabraham96
    It's allowed, but many do not take kindly to it, so if you feel the need to contact someone, just do so very politely. Because some see it as being bothered or harassed. Others view it as a guy digging to see if a Pro will do more than just platonic cuddling. Neither sounds like your intent. 😊

    Personally, I take each such inquiry individually. If it seems suspicious, I won't give them any information. But if it seems genuine, or of course if it comes from someone I know, or especially if it comes from a place of them wondering if a person is safe, then I will give a general response, though always respecting the privacy of my cuddle friends.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

    Happy summer vibes! 🐬 🎹

  • How do I view my own reviews

  • @lilybunny
    There is not a tab with a list of Karma you have written on other peoples' profiles, unfortunately. You can keep a manual list, if you wish.

    For your Karma from others, it will appear on your profile, here:

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

    Happy summer vibes! 🐬 🎹

  • edited July 2024

    Im not charging to do cuddles on this site. However I do want to provide a space for professional cuddlers to use for cuddling sessions. I was reported for the possibility of charging for cuddles, which isn't the truth. Does this site prohibit someone trying to provide a professional space for those who don't want to meet someone at their own home or someone's else's home? I clearly would have to charge the professional cuddlers to use the space but that wouldn't interfere with this sites revenue. My account is for me to cuddle with local people for free. Im also sharing information about me which includes what I do as a profession/what my business is about. Looking forward to some insight on this.. Thanks!

  • I just started and want to attract cuddling partners. I am a professional. Could anyone offer tips to attract cuddling clients?

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